After pollinated flowers form seeds, some of these fall to the ground beside the plant. Other species’ seeds are carried by the wind, or stick to the fur of animals and are distributed in this way. But this summary of seed dispersion systems is quite superficial, for when you get down to the details, you can see that the lives of plants and animals are directly connected in a number of interesting ways.
As you saw in the previous section, each plant’s seed has a different shape. From the shape of a seed or fruit, it’s possible to determine what kind of journey it has made – that is, how it’s been distributed. Some trees, for instance, have fruits that are colorful, fleshy, soft, and pleasant smelling. These trees, whose seed coats are tough enough to be resistant to digestive juices, attract birds and other animals. Other species’ seeds have needles, hooks or thorns that snag and get caught in the fur of animals, who transport them in this way. Still others travel on the wind, like so many feathers. Others have wings or swell like small balloons to help them catch the wind. Such seeds have to be light enough and of a suitable shape for flight. On the other hand, some plants simply let their seeds fall to the ground as the seed case splits as it dries in the sun, while others eject or propel their seeds, through the tension created in the seedpod while the seeds are growing.
The willow (Salix) can reproduce very quickly and easily. Its seeds are dispersed by very diverse means as they can float on the air with ease and also on water. If the willow tree produces 500 catkins, and if each of these contains 100 seedpods and each of these pods contains 200 seeds, that means that 10 million seeds are produced annually. If every one of these managed to germinate, the face of the Earth would soon be full of willows. But thanks to the fine balance created in nature, this does not happen, and only a few of these seeds grow into trees. (Grains de Vie, p. 41.) | Lys de mer, a plant that grows on Mediterranean shores, has slightly angular seeds. When the outer case of the seeds matures, it takes on a mossy appearance. These seeds are also dispersed by floating on water. (Grains de Vie, p. 40.) |
The seeds of the field pennycress are carried by rainwater. The seeds are marked with little scratches like fingerprints, which serve to increase the surface tension by which the seeds are easily distributed. (Grains de Vie, p. 42.) Below-right:Seeds of the Monnoyere | |
The essential point worth noting is the perfection of each method of dispersion, despite all of the diverse structures. The systems never fail. Seeds carried by animals are invariably spread in this way, and the wind always carries those with the appropriate shape.
As the following examples will show, both animals and plants act in a remarkably conscious fashion in the course of these operations. But what is the source of this conscious planning? It’s of course impossible for a flowering plant to get together with a bird or a squirrel and decide to set up a dispersion system, or for these life forms to make a joint decision as to what each will do to operate the system. Plants are incapable of making a reproductive plan or setting up a system according to it. But when the time comes, every plant starts its reproductive operations, produces its seeds and distributes them in the necessary way. Throughout the world, each plant of the same species acts in the same way in the same sequence, using the same system.
Seed capsules of the evening primrose open when they get wet, and the seeds are thus dispersed. |
But this raises a very important point. As we know, plants are static life forms, unable to move around. But for them to be capable of propulsion, some form of energy must be required. This energy is activated during changes in the seedpod where the seeds are located. The pods crinkle as they dry in the sun, which generates latent energy. In much the same way, when the seed is moistened by rain, the swelling seedpod creates energy that can be triggered for propulsion.18
In such dispersion operations, finely balanced mechanisms are at work in plants. The timing of the plant’s dispersion of its seeds is also very important, as illustrated by the Mediterranean squirting cucumber.
At first glance, this mechanism seems like a plant just exploding at maturity, but it’s in fact very sensitive. It is of vital importance that when the fruit starts filling with juice is synchronized with the time when the cucumber and its seeds start to mature. For if the system were to operate before the seeds matured, there’d be no advantage in the cucumber bursting. This would prevent the plant from reproducing, and mean the end of the species. But thanks to the plant’s perfect timing, the system starts to function and disperses the seeds at exactly the right time.
This fine timing holds true for all plants that disperse their seeds by propulsion. That this works without a hitch raises the question of how any such system came to exist at all. As we have seen, plants need an integrated system in order to reproduce. It is illogical and unreasonable to claim that this mechanism – which must have been present in each plant simultaneously, from the very start – has evolved as a result of changes taking place over thousands, even millions of years. The maturing of the fruit, the fluid it contains, and the seeds must all emerge at the same time. Any hitch would mean that the plant could not disperse its seeds. Take any component you choose out of this system; the result will always be the same: extinction of the species.
The details that go into the distribution of just a single seed plainly show how perfectly and completely plants have come into existence. This cannot have been achieved through pure coincidence, or random natural events. The obvious truth is that God, the Creator of all things, has created them in all their perfection. There is no other deity than Almighty God. Thus it behooves all intelligent people to live in the knowledge of this truth and to be directed to God in everything they do.
Your deity is God alone, there is no deity but Him. He encompasses all things in His knowledge. (Qur'an, 20:98)
Top:The Hura plant disperses its seeds by bursting the seed case. Bottom:Impatiens balfourii has a very original dispersion technique. The pods burst on contact, scattering their seeds. They do not remain flat, as they appear in the picture, but become rounded due to pressure between the outer layer enclosing the seed and the protective inner layer. |
The seedpod of a tropical tree called Hura crepitans, consists of a dozen small chambers fused together. The seedpods burst noisily in the heat of the sun. After the seedpods pop, the seeds and split pods are scattered in the surrounding environment. Hura crepitans is one of the most successful at propelling its seeds to great distances. When the time comes, it can hurl them up to about a few meters.21
The Geranium’s Effective Propagation Methods
Wherever geraniums grow in the world, this mechanism is perfectly preserved. If this were not so, geraniums could not reproduce, and the species would die out. Obviously this intricate and perfect order has not come into being of its own accord. God, Who has perfectly created all living things on Earth, also created geraniums in such intricate detail.
2-The bottom of the tail is twisted and screws into the soil, functioning like an engine to drive the seed into the earth.
3-The filaments surrounding the tail are long, closely woven and stick in like thorns, providing support.
4-The head, carrying the seeds inside, is like the pointed tip of a cork screw, driven into the earth by the action of the lever at the top.
5-The hairs on the head, short and regular, ease the seed’s passage into the soil and at the same time, act as a kind of fishhook to prevent the seed being pulled out again.
The big picture to the left shows Erodium seeds anchored to the ground.23
The ability of this soft plant to pierce hard ground is naturally not the product of coincidence. God, Who has no partner in His creation, acquaints us with His art with the system installed in this incomparable plant.
On maturity, the seedpods of most plants like the broad bean split open as the tissue dries out. The seedpods wrinkle and twist open. The cells of the tissue of the opening section of this plant are arranged in a weak line, so that any amount of pressure causes the pod to split often very suddenly. |
The stages of the thistle display a fine system, from the formation of the flower to the appearance of the seeds. |
The great majority of wind-borne seeds have matured by the beginning of autumn, when the winds are strongest. Remarkably, the autumn winds begin just at the time when the seeds mature.
The plants whose seeds are dispersed by the wind differ from each other in their structures, in much the same way as do the plants themselves. For instance, in the North African deserts, fruits and seeds are either winged or light and fluffy. The fruit and seeds of plants of the Nubian Desert in Northeast Sudan and the North American deserts are dispersed by light winds. In the Middle East and North Africa, plants assume a round ball-like shape and in times of drought are dragged around by the wind.24
The dandelion, lettuce, and thistle are a few of the plants whose seeds are dispersed by the wind. Another example is the groundcherry, whose seeds are in paperlike sacs that have air in them and act as small balloons to help them move in the wind.25
An important point to be borne in mind is that it’s impossible for a plant’s reproductive system to change over time. For example, a plant whose seeds are being carried by animals and buried in the ground cannot, over time, become light enough to be carried by the wind. However much time passes, be it even millions of years, a heavy seed like an apricot pit cannot become light and develop wing-like structures. Such a claim can’t be reconciled with scientific logic, because the plants and animals, or any other elements found in nature, do not engage in such planning. The plant is not able to bring about the conscious organization in seeds.
Thinking about these facts, you can immediately understand that seeds have had the features they now possess since they first existed. This is one of the countless pieces of evidence that seeds were created in an instant. There are evident signs of creation in the structures of seeds that let them be transported, and this creation is God's, Who has eternal knowledge.
On examining the air-borne Zanonia seed, engineers who study the principles of flight have discovered some interesting things. They studied its center of gravity, the point around which its weight is evenly balanced. If the center of gravity were moved any further back, the seed would move more slowly. However, thanks to the Zanonia seed’s perfect shape and general structure, the breeze can easily carry it for long distances.26
Each of the airborne seeds in the picture at right will become a new dandelion if given the right conditions. |
The seeds of the maple have structures like helicopter propellers that enable the seed to spin through their air, often covering a distance of a few kilometers. |
The Terminalia plant has V-shaped wings. (Top-right) When the airplane was invented, inspiration was taken from birds. The inspiration for a helicopter came from dragonflies, and from plant seeds that spin around a central point. Pictures are examples of seeds of plants that disperse their seeds by air. (above) Maple seeds hang on the tree like pairs of wings. (Bottom-right) |
The Terminalia calamansanai has seeds with V-shaped wings, thanks to which they can glide on a gentle air current much like a paper plane.28
Plants with small seeds such as red valerian (Cetranthus ruber, below) and Silybum marianum (right) usually have parachute seeds. (Grains de Vie, p. 56.) |
When they mature, parachute seeds do not immediately fall to the ground, but wait for a strong wind to carry them further away. If this were not the case, they would fall so close to the mother plant that their chances of getting enough sunlight would be reduced.
The speed of parachute seeds depends on their size and whether they are porous. The larger the parachute, the slower the seed can travel. And the less porous the parachute is, the more sensitive it will be to air movements. Even seeds with this porous structure show variations, such as the simple silkiness of Silybum marianum, the feathers of the thistle (Cirsium occidentale) and the membranous structure of the moonflower (Scabiosa stellata).29
Moonflower (Scabiosa stellata) is an example of a flying seed with a membranous structure. |
To show that these features are not products of coincidence, consider the parachutes used by people. No one would hesitate to agree that they have a special design. A parachute cannot just produce itself; someone first thought of it and tested it out. People produce the threads used in the making of the parachute, a factory weave this yarn into fabric, and then people sew this fabric together to make a parachute. It’s obvious that static pieces of fabric cannot assemble themselves to make a parachute and acquire the aerodynamics to let it coast through the air.
In that case, how come there are seeds with even more complex parachute-like structures? Who made such decisions as whether there would be few or many pores? Those who might reply that such details are “coded into information in the seeds” should explain how the first seed appeared, and how this information came to be installed in it. This first seed could not have acquired such knowledge on its own, as a result of coincidence. The unconscious molecules that compose the seed cannot just have come up with a plan one day, saying, “Let’s make a thing called a seed, and code it with information on how to create thousands of different varieties of plants.”
God has created the tufted seeds of the thistle with the most suitable shape for being carried by the wind. |
However hard they try, evolutionists cannot attribute the formation of seeds to coincidence. In an evolutionist work called Grains de Vie [“Seeds of Life”], the parachute-like structures on seeds is expressed as “an unresolved subject:”
Not yet understood is how evolution could develop devices so finely adapted to flight.30
As the above quote shows, evolutionists attribute independent powers to an abstract, imaginary concept like evolution. They refer to evolution as if it were a power that can organize, develop and create something. But “evolution” is not a power. Its acknowledged mechanism is coincidence – an uncontrolled process. It does not have the power to create perfect systems.
Seeds have been brought into existence by a Power that knows how to put into them the necessary information, what kind of environment they will sprout in, and what systems they will need to complete these features. This is plainly a power like no other, and is the power of God Who created the universe and formed everything in a perfect order. It behooves every person of intelligence to observe the order in the universe and consider what God has created. In a verse of the Qur’an, He makes known that there is no other deity and that the only salvation is to pray unto Him alone:
Did you suppose that We created you for amusement and that you would not return to Us? Exalted be God, the King, the Real. There is no deity but Him, Lord of the Noble Throne. Whoever calls on another deity together with God, has no grounds for doing so at all and his reckoning is with his Lord. Truly the unbelievers have no success. (Qur’an, 23:115-117)
When the seedpods of the poppy and the snapdragon sway in the wind, thousands of fine seeds are dispersed into the environment. These seeds are so small that they look like specks of dust in the air. The upper sections of the pods containing the seeds are pierced with little holes like the top of a saltcellar. In fact, at the beginning of the last century, R.H. France, the inventor of the saltcellar, was inspired by the finely crafted structure of these plants!31 The seedpods of orchids have three compartments. When these pods mature they burst, scattering clouds of tiny seeds that are practically weightless and have no reserve of nutrients. Even the embryo has not developed fully, and so orchid seeds need very special conditions to germinate. But this is no disadvantage, because as many as 2 million seeds may be produced from a single orchid seedpod.32 | |||
When plants like the snapdragon (above left) and the poppy, whose seedpod is shown in cross-section above, are shaken by the wind, they disperse thousands of seeds. The picture to the right shows the flowers of the poppy. |
After pollination, the clematis (far left) extends out its characteristic tendrils densely covered with hairs. The two pictures above show the seeds of the cotton plant. |
Coconut starting to germinate on reaching the shore |
The seeds of such plants are rendered waterproof by their thick, glossy outer shells. They are able to float, sometimes due to an air chamber or their airy, spongy structure; or sometimes, as in the case of small seeds, thanks to water’s surface tension.
Coconut palms can be found on tropical shores all over the world. The coconut seed, one of the seeds dispersed by water, is contained in a hard shell to provide safe travel. Everything it needs for its long journey, including fresh water, is contained inside this hard shell. The tough texture of the outer layer protects the seed from the harmful effects of water. One of the coconut’s most interesting features is the air spaces and corky floats that keep it afloat, enabling it to travel thousands of kilometers on oceanic currents. When it reaches the shore at high tide, it lodges in the sand, the seed within germinates and grows into a new coconut tree.34
Coconut is most successful at dispersing its seed by ocean currents. What essentially prevents coconut from sinking is its fiber float, where air gets trapped between the fibers. In addition, its outer shell is smooth, polished and waterproof, characteristics that enable it to remain at sea for months.35
The coconut disperses its rather large seeds by water. The size of the seeds determines the amount of nutrients reserved for the ensuing journey. |
The seeds of sea heart (Entada gigas), a tropical African sea-bean, have an interesting heart shape. The seeds grow inside the seedpod, which is of great dimensions. Violent rain can carry seeds of this plant, which grows on the banks of rivers, as far as the Atlantic Ocean, where they go on journeys lasting for years and reach places as far as Europe, the Gulf of Mexico or Florida.
The seeds of gray nickers (Caesalpinia bonduc) can also travel long distances on sea currents. This small, round gray seed does not sink, thanks to an air chamber under its thick coat. It can stay at sea for years without losing its ability to germinate.
Another plant whose seeds are dispersed by water is the sea daffodil (Pancratium maritimum). This plant, found on sandy Mediterranean and Atlantic shores, is distributed by means of its angular black and incredibly light seeds, which are enclosed in a seaweed-like casing.37
Coco-de-mer, also known as double coconut, produces nuts weighing up to 20 kilos (44 pounds), the largest seed in the world. The seed can float thanks to a kind of air compartment. Water-repellent oils and chemicals in the seed help to increase its resistance to moisture. (center) |
Seeds distributed by water are formed so as to reduce their weight and increase their surface area. Air-filled buoyant structure is usually found in fruits and seeds. Their floating tissue can take a variety of forms, but is likely to be a spongy structure with air-filled cells, or a structure of tightly packed cells that traps air inside. In addition, the cell walls have to prevent the entry of water, and there must be an inner layer to protect the plant’s embryo and its genetic information.39 This evident arrangement in seeds is just one of the countless pieces of evidence of God’s creation on Earth.
As seen from the examples in this section, the most important characteristic of seeds transported by water is that they germinate once they get to land. This is an exceptional situation, because as we know, seeds usually start to germinate when they come in contact with water. However, plants using water to disperse their seeds are different in this respect thanks to their seeds’ special structures. If these seeds were to start germinating as soon as they came into contact with water, their species would have died out long ago. However, thanks to mechanisms suited to the conditions they live in, these plants can perpetuate themselves with ease.
All plants on Earth enjoy the structures most suited to them, with exceptional characteristics unique to each species. Why are the features of every kind of plant in perfect harmony with its environment? And how did such features come into being?
Taking plants that disperse their seeds by water as an example, we see once again evidence that these species couldn’t have appeared by chance. For the seeds of these plants to remain viable in water for so long, they need to be more resilient than average, with casings that are quite thick and special structures to protect the embryo from water. Obviously, such structures are not formed by coincidence, much less by the plant’s own efforts. On their long journeys, moreover, the seeds will need more nutrients than usual and exactly the right amount of nutrient is installed in them. Evidently this characteristic could not occur by chance. It is evident that chance could not calculate the amount of nutrients a plant needs for its journey and then provide the seed with exactly that amount. In contrast to all other plants’ seeds, these do not germinate in water, but as soon as they come into contact with land. Such timing could not possibly be achieved by coincidence.
All these delicate calculations and measurements are carried out to perfection by God, the Creator of seeds, Who knows all their needs and characteristics. He has eternal intelligence and knowledge. A verse of the Qur’an tells how God has created everything in due measure:
As for the earth, We stretched it out and cast firmly embedded mountains in it and made everything grow in due proportion on it. (Qur’an, 15:19)
Mangrove forests are one of the most fertile regions on Earth for a variety of fauna and flora. They are usually formed by groupings of mastic trees. Plants like Rhizophora and Ceriops growing in these regions have a very interesting method of reproduction. These plants’ roots develop in the air, arching back down into the alluvial mud. Seeds start to germinate and develop into shoots before they separate from the mother plant. After a time these shoots fall off into the mud and rapidly put out roots to ensure that they are not washed away. (Grains de Vie, p. 40.) | The seeds of plants like Cyperus shown adjacent have no hairs or appendages and, in common with many seeds, are dispersed by water. The polished surface of the seeds allows them to be carried along without snagging on obstructions. (Grains de Vie, p. 41.) |
As the illustration to the left shows, the fruit of the devil's claw (Ibicella lutea), growing in Mexican scrublands, produces seedpods with two formidable horns – a good means of protection, since no animal dares to eat them. The seeds use their horns to attach themselves to passing animals and travel to new locations. (Grains de Vie, p. 45.) |
Seeds of wild barley (Hordeum murinum), one of the gramineae, are covered in fine hairs and employ a special system for clinging to passers by. This system is so effective that every movement makes the seed cling more tightly to the spot where it’s attached itself to. Thanks to the micro-husks at the tip of the thorns, the seeds at the bottom are protected from any dangers they may encounter. (Grains de Vie, p. 46.) |
The seed head of the rose clover (Trifolium hirtum) is covered in fluffy hairs. If an animal brushes against it, this structure around the fruit breaks, and the seeds are scattered in the wind. (Grains de Vie, p. 46.) |
The digestive system in mammals works much more slowly than that of birds, so that seeds ingested by mammals can be carried far greater distances. For example, large herbivores like African elephants play an important role in dispersing seeds, and the germination of some species like Baillonella toxisperma, native to Western Africa, depends entirely on elephants. (Grains de Vie, p. 49.) |
Mistletoe (Viscum album) stays green all through winter when its host trees have all lost their leaves. Throughout the winter season it produces small seeds that usually germinate on the trunks and branches of other trees rather than on the ground. So how is this done? The seeds have to cling to a branch of a host tree and not fall to the ground if they are to germinate. But under normal circumstances, the rounded seeds would fall directly to the ground. This problem is solved for the mistletoe seeds by the thrush, which is very partial to mistletoe seeds. This is very important, because in order for the plant to reproduce, its seeds must pass through the thrush’s digestive tract. In the belly of the thrush, the seeds are coated in a very effective substance called viscin, which, after passing out of the bird’s body, bonds the seed to the host. In this way, a new parasitic plant starts to germinate. (Grains de Vie, p. 47.) It is quite thought-provoking that reproduction in the mistletoe is linked to the thrushes’ love for its berries. Obviously this association is no coincidence. Mistletoe has used this method of propagation since it first existed, for this is how it has been created. It is God Who makes the two life forms aware of each other. |
Pine trees disperse their seeds by various means. A pine cone stores many winged seeds, each in a separate compartment. The seeds stay packed tightly in closed cones for approximately three years. Then, they begin to open with the heat of the summer sun and so are scattered through the air. The seeds are also dispersed by being carried off by squirrels. Usually in summer, squirrels snap off short twigs bearing a few fresh and closed pine cones and carry them close to their nests. They start to strip them off from base to bottom. This they do very methodically and at great speed, packing their cheek pouches with plenty of the seeds. Then they dig a hole and bury them. If they have no time to strip all the shells from the cones, they bury the entire cone in the hole. The seeds wait until spring without rotting, then start to germinate. (Grains de Vie, p. 65.) | For animals like squirrels, the seeds of plants are an important source of food. It is God Who is aware of all things and creates this harmonious relationship between plants and animals. |
The strangler fig tree, native to Borneo, shares its life with a kind of wasp. The figs provide an ideal safe shelter for the wasp’s eggs. In return, the wasp helps pollinate the fig by carrying the tree’s pollen. Strangler figs mature at the same time as the larvae of the wasps. After weeks, male and female wasps hatch from the eggs. The male bites a small hole in the flower's ovary wall. He then inseminates the female through the hole. In the male wasp’s short life, his last duty is to open an exit tunnel for the female, and he usually dies as soon as he reaches the surface. The female wasp is then able to leave, and flies to another tree, carrying pollen from her host tree. She enters a ripe fig through an opening at the bottom. In the process of laying her eggs in the ovaries of the flowers, she pollinates the long-styled female flowers. When the female wasp has done her duty, she too dies. After a time, new wasps hatch from the eggs she’s laid, and leave, covered in pollen, by the tunnel previously opened by the male wasp. And to perpetuate the reproductive chain they move on to another fig. (National Geographic, “Borneo’s Strangler Fig Trees,” Tim Laman, April 1, 1997, p. 41.) The wasp can’t possibly have invented such a complex method of its own accord or taught others how to do this. It is perfectly obvious that the fig’s reproductive system has been specially created to live in cooperation with the wasp. This shows once again that this system has been created by God and that wasps act according to His inspiration. |
Fruit-eating birds have no gizzards and accordingly they do not use pebbles to grind their food. This feature is extremely important, because were the seeds ground in the bird’s alimentary tract, they would be destroyed and plants might become extinct. But birds without a gizzard can carry the seeds and let them germinate. Between birds and plants, a symbiotic relationship exists. The plant’s seeds are carried by the bird, which it nourishes in return. (Grains de Vie, p. 49.) |
Birds sometimes use seeds as a nest-building material, as well as for food. They eat the fleshy part of the fruit, making it easier for seeds inside to germinate by stripping away their outer layer or weakening the casing of tough seeds. |
In autumn, the yew tree (Taxus baccata) produces vivid red arils that contrast wonderfully with its dark green needle-like leaves. The arils’ sweet taste is particularly enticing for blackbirds, but they spit out the bitter-tasting seeds. This is extremely important, since the seeds must be pierced by the birds’ sharp beaks before germination can take place. Should blackbirds swallow the seeds, they are resilient enough to suffer no damage in the birds’ digestive tract. The yew seeds also contain extremely toxic alkaloids, which cause heart failure in living creatures ingesting them. This substance is used as poison on the tips of arrows and also made into toxic preparations, but are often used in treatments – the most important of which are morphine, strychnine and atropine.
The seeds of the acacia tree are covered in a kind of nutritious coating called an aril, which is eaten by animals, allowing the seeds to germinate. |
The seeds of the acacia, native to Australia, are dispersed thanks to their nutrient-rich arils that can be red, brown or white and either long or short, according to the variety. The short white or brown ones provide food for ants, which carry the nutritious arils to their nests. On the way, the black seeds sometimes get separated from the aril and fall off. But a lot of seeds are brought to the underground nests, which are at the ideal depth for germination.
The longer red arils, which resemble worms, are eaten by birds. When the broad bean-like fruits split open, the seeds remain clinging to the arils, attracting the birds.40
Any plant that produces many delicious fruits is an attractive source of nutrition for animals, who can disperse its seeds over a wider area. The relationship between ants and the seed pictured is an example of this. The Creator of this harmonious relationship is God, Who directs the whole affair. |
As with almost every other seed, this one must also go underground in order to germinate, and to make germination happen, the core of the seed must be exposed. The plant cannot do this by itself, but ants can. To them, the oily covering is a very attractive food, so they collect the seeds with great zeal and carry them to their nests. Thus initially, the seeds are carried beneath the soil.
Then begins the second important stage for the seeds. Having spent lots of effort to carry them to their nest, the ants gnaw off the eliasomes and abandon the seeds themselves. In this way, the part of the plant that allows for reproduction reaches an ideal position underground.41
So how did this harmony between ant and seed emerge?
Of course, that the ant does this consciously, acting in knowledge of what the seeds need to sprout is an untenable idea. And it’s completely unreasonable to theorize that the ant discovered the seed by accident one day, took it underground and, seeing that it grew into a plant, informed the next generations of ants that they should do the same thing. It’s equally preposterous to claim that somehow, the plant learned what this species of ant likes, and tailored its seeds accordingly in order to reproduce.
This harmony must have been specially arranged, because this plant’s very first seeds had no other mechanism by which to reproduce. If it hadn’t been able to attract the attention of ants, there would be no likelihood of its continued existence. (And if the ants didn’t exist, they would have no way to survive.) But the reality that this plant's existence shows us is plain to see. The consciousness behind this perfect harmony is neither the plant’s nor the ants’. The supreme source of this consciousness is God, Who knows the characteristics of these two life forms and has created them in harmony with each other. God makes known how every living thing is submissive to Him in a verse of the Qur’an:
Everyone in the heavens and Earth belongs to Him. All are submissive to Him. (Qur’an, 30:26)
Yet none of this is a problem for the bertholletia tree, because living in the same habitat is a creature with the necessary characteristics to get round these obstacles.
All the agoutis in the world feed on the nuts of the bertholletia tree. Likewise, all bertholletia trees reproduce as a result of these animals burying their nuts in the earth. This can certainly not be explained by coincidence, and is evidence that both life forms are created by God. |
The feeding habits of the agouti and the propagation system of the bertholletia tree are remarkably well suited, but this compatibility is not the result of coincidence. These living species have not discovered one another by accident. The bertholletia tree can’t afford the luxury of waiting for such an unconscious coincidence to happen, because this tree has been dependent on the agouti to propagate since the very first day of its existence. It follows that these two species have been created to be compatible with one another.
To clarify this situation with an example, imagine a television with a remote control on the table beside it. You pick up the remote, switch on the TV and flick through the channels. Probably you would assume that the remote control has been designed to control the TV. But what if someone else enters the room and says, “This remote control and the TV have evolved over time as the result of a series of coincidences, and eventually – also by chance – they’ve become compatible.” You’d probably suspect that this person had taken leave of his senses.
Yet the relationship between the bertholletia tree and the agouti is far more complex than between a television and a remote control. The systems of both living species have been organized to be mutually beneficial. And where there is organization, naturally, there is an Organizer.
These living things have been created by one Creator, God. This harmony, just one of the countless examples in nature, is undoubtedly the product of a supreme intelligence. In His unbounded wisdom, God has created these two life forms together with these characteristics.
There is no creature on the Earth which is not dependent upon God for its provision. He knows where it lives and where it dies. They are all in a clear book. (Qur’an, 11:6)
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